CMS sextet

Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center (String Sextet)

April 10, 2016 3:00pm The Vancouver Playhouse, 600 Hamilton St.

Richard Strauss
Sextet for strings from Capriccio, Opus 85

Antonín Dvořák
Sextet in A major for strings, Opus 48

Johannes Brahms
Sextet No.2 in G major for strings, Opus 36

We are excited to offer again an opportunity to hear an ensemble that is larger than the usual quartet, offering more complexity and texture to the audience experience. This sextet from the CMS is a wonderfully eclectic group of prestigious string players, including: Ani Kavafian and Erin Keefe on violin, Yura Lee and Matthew Lipman on viola, and David Finckel and Nicholas Canellakis on cello. This ravishingly Romantic afternoon features all three works filled with lyrical melodies and warm emotions.

If you’re on at the concert, be sure to tweet us @FCMVancouver and use hashtag #FCMcms2!
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